Thursday, January 28, 2010

From a location to absolute dislocation

The blog got resurrected yesterday, after two long years.

For those not familiar with Urdu, 'nawa-e-sarosh' means 'whispers of angel'. For those familiar with the language, the attribution to poet Mirza Ghalib is immediate.

The transition is unsettling. Jhumritilaiya was a comfortable space. It had history, both as a place and as a myth. It was tangible, and hence, materially and intellectually comforting. The place was a readymade template for imagination, with its diverse associations as well as mythology. It was familiar.

'Nawa-e-sarosh' is a new territory. Like one of those forbidden rooms in a forgotten castle, this blog suddenly becomes, to coin a word, a 'strangeland'. The thoughts in my mind suddenly resemble the abandoned street urchins who care a damn about a direction or purpose. They are enigmatic and attractive. I try to pin them down to an idea or a tyrannical reason, and they escape the mind like the blushing beloved who escapes the seductions of her lover.

I have little choice but to continue to woo the elusive thought in this space.


Shazia said...

Nadim you did some good revamping job on your blog. This post sounds like a prelude to many more thoughts of yours which will reach us in the many days to come. And i liked the analogies you mentioned in the last couple of lines :)

the bard's fool said...

it's hard indeed to be a devout atheist,
scorned by both, to say the least,
i had no time but to court the intruding thoughts,
who had suddenly donned the mantle of distant familiarity,
most were wrapped in hazy clarity,
having an intangible promise,
understood, unspoken,
the sigh of the unquenched spirit,
the moans of a sated lover,
yet i felt strangely empty..........
as my pseudo conscience admonished me to tow the line,
naturally i chose 'kufr',
and since have had no occasion to pine.

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